Prices for the regular size (28-30inch diameter) Fireballs range from $2400-$2600 depending on complexity of the design, the time it will take to create, and the cost of materials at the time.
The Prices for larger sized Fireballs (42 inch, 52 inch and 58 inch) depends on the availability and cost of materials at the time.
The price to commission a specific Fireball, designed just for you, is the same as buying one that is already made since I set the price by the cost of materials and hours it takes to create.
All Fireballs come with a wood burning base and screen to hold firewood at no additional cost.
The prices for propane, natural gas and electric light bases vary depending on the options you choose (size and style of burner, fireglass or lava rocks, style and number of light bulbs etc.). Generally, the cost for one of our custom built propane burning bases is $350-$450 and custom build electric light bases are $700-$00.
Visit the GALLERY and click on product images to see if they are for sale
Please note that when everything in the gallery is marked as SOLD, I am still making Fireballs.
I am just busy working on specific commissioned ones that may not always appear on my website.